Modus operandi modus operandi of Pickled Cucumber

Modus operandi modus operandi of Pickled Cucumber

Modus operandi modus operandi of Pickled Cucumber........

* Ingredients: 1 kilo small size option
       4 / 1 cup salt
       3 cups water
       2 / 11 cup vinegar
       2 sticks cinnamon true
       5 whole cloves true
       10 grains black pepper correctly
       2 tbsp crushed Tom
     * Preparation: 1 wash option Gidoyuda in sterilized jar.
       2, salt dissolved in water
     * Cooking: 1 put water in a bowl and add the vinegar, cinnamon, cloves, grains of black pepper over medium heat until boiling Tbdavy then set aside to cool until saturated flavors and spices.
       Add 2 crushed to Alton option as well as water and vinegar mixture until completely covered option and leave for a period of not less than two days even absorb the flavor.
     * Notes: 1 White Reem must be disarmed if it appears and you must save the option in the refrigerator after starting to use.
       2 pickling Kabirahadjm option shall be covered with salt for a day until absorbed the largest amount of water.
     * the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
       Modus operandi modus operandi of pickled option. In a forum Vtkac