The modus operandi of Goma, and Acme

The modus operandi of Goma, and Acme

The modus operandi of Goma, and Acme...............

* Preparation time: 15 minutes
     * Ingredients: 5 the amount of sesame
       The amount of Aloakami (seaweed)

     * Preparation: Heat the sesame slightly
       Aloakami roasts in an oven temperature of 170 m for a period of 10-15 minutes
       Allowakami milled separately in a wooden mortar
       Mix sesame seeds and grinding Aloakami and 80% of sesame
       Store in glass container and used as a spice
     * Notes: Aloakami useful in cases of high blood pressure and heart disorders

     * the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
       The modus operandi of Goma, and Acme (Macrobiotk) in the forum Vtkac