The modus operandi of soup beans Banakang

The modus operandi of soup beans Banakang

The modus operandi of soup beans Banakang...........

# amount would be enough: 3 people
# Preparation time: 15 minutes
# Cooking time: 120 minutes
# Ingredients: 1 / 2 kilo sausage (sausage)
1 / 2 kilo white beans (dry)
Large onion, chopped
10 large cloves garlic
Soup Chicken or Beef
Salt and pepper and thyme and Paper Laura (Laurel)
Vegetable oil
2 sticks green onion rings section
# Preparation: 1 - Alsosis cut slices.
2 - Soak beans 6 hours.
3 - cloves garlic, cut thick slices.
# Cooking: 1 - Alsosis fry in a pot in the prolific oil to some extent even browns well and then drain it of excess oil with little to keep Alsosis.
2 - Add the onion to the sausage, salt and black pepper, stirring for about a minute.
3 - Add the garlic and thyme and paper Allora and soup.
4 - After boiling soup, cover the beans and put pot on low heat for two hours.
5 - When applying to pour the soup into the dish and sprinkle onion rings on the face green.
# Notes: If you want thick soup after the closure of fire mash some beans beans.