The modus operandi of the authority of marinated eggplant dip.........
* Quantity sufficient: 5 people
* Preparation time: 30 minutes
* Ingredients: 3 large pieces of eggplant.
3 tablespoons of tahini.
Imontin juice.
3 cloves garlic, crushed.
And a half cup of yogurt.
5 tablespoons olive oil.
Salt to taste.
* Preparation: Wash the eggplant well and still green and shove his papers lengthwise and either roasted in the oven or on high heat over a piece of metal.
Peeled and then mashed with a fork until well enjoy.
Add the tahini to the yogurt with garlic and lemon juice and mix all well.
Season the eggplant mixture and add to it the salt and stir well.
Arrange in a dish and pour oil over it.
* the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
The modus operandi of the authority of marinated eggplant dip in a forum Vtkac
* Preparation time: 30 minutes
* Ingredients: 3 large pieces of eggplant.
3 tablespoons of tahini.
Imontin juice.
3 cloves garlic, crushed.
And a half cup of yogurt.
5 tablespoons olive oil.
Salt to taste.
* Preparation: Wash the eggplant well and still green and shove his papers lengthwise and either roasted in the oven or on high heat over a piece of metal.
Peeled and then mashed with a fork until well enjoy.
Add the tahini to the yogurt with garlic and lemon juice and mix all well.
Season the eggplant mixture and add to it the salt and stir well.
Arrange in a dish and pour oil over it.
* the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
The modus operandi of the authority of marinated eggplant dip in a forum Vtkac