The modus operandi of that cake

The modus operandi of that cake

The modus operandi of that cake.................

# Qty: 16 people
# Preparation time: 30 minutes
# Cooking time: 15 minutes
# Ingredients: 1 / 41 cup flour
3 eggs
1 / 41 cup water
1 / 41 cup coffee milk
3 / 4 cup sunflower oil
Corn oil paint Qlaiah
# Preparation: 1 - Sift the flour and put in a deep bowl and make a hole in the middle.
2 - Add the eggs and half of the milk and stir mixture with a bat by hand.
3 - beat together the rest of the milk and water and oil.
4 - Add the liquid mixture to flour, stirring to form a soft dough, cover and leave half an hour.
# Cooking: 1 - Qlaiah heat and brush a little oil.
2 - to drink about 3 tablespoons of the mixture and Emily Qlaiah even spread the mixture as a whole.
3 - CD-cook for a minute and even yellows from the bottom and then turn to hiss from the other side for 30 seconds.
4 - Make the disk sliding Qlaiah in a flat dish.
5 - duplication of work with oil paint Qlaiah at a time.

# Notes: If you have not used a drive all you can save in the freezer.
# treatment: If you do not Tgide making the first disk does not Taatdhaiqi; it represents Ichtbarmahtoyat mixture and the quantity and the hottest Tdainha Qlaiah and lightness of your hand.