The modus operandi of a Spanish omelet with potatoes

The modus operandi of a Spanish omelet with potatoes

The modus operandi of a Spanish omelet with potatoes..............

# amount would be enough: 3 people
# Cooking time: 20 minutes
# Ingredients: 3 MK olive oil
2 tablets a large potato diced
2 large onion chopped coarsely
6 eggs
Salt and pepper
Minced parsley for garnish
# Cooking: 1 - Heat oil in a large pan, add onion and a potato and stir, then cook over low heat for 15 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.
2 - beat the eggs in a bowl and seasoned with salt and black pepper.
3 - pour egg mixture and stir until mixed with vegetables and hold together and browns from the bottom.
4 - Browns face omelet under the oven grill for a minute.
5 - adorns the face of an omelet chopped parsley.

# Notes: - You can add green pepper and red pepper turkey (sweet) syllables cubes of onions and potatoes.
- You can sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese or cheddar cheese or turkey Alambchuren on the face of an omelet before the reddening of the face under the grill.