The modus operandi of bulgur wheat flour, corn DVD

The modus operandi of bulgur wheat flour, corn DVD

The modus operandi of bulgur wheat flour, corn DVD.......

* to be enough: 4 people
     * Preparation time: 15 minutes
     * Cooking time: 15 minutes
     * Ingredients: cups corn flour
       Cup cooked Bulgur wheat
       ½ cup chopped nuts
       ¼ cup roasted sesame
       Sea salt to taste

     * Preparation: Mix ingredients and form small discs.
     * Cooking: stacked in a greased baking sheet and bake in an oven temperature of 200 C for 35 minutes.
     * Notes: Kmshahyat great progress.
     * the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
       The modus operandi of DVD bulgur wheat flour corn in the forum Vtkac