The modus operandi of eggplant pickles

The modus operandi of eggplant pickles

The modus operandi of eggplant pickles.........

# Preparation time: 60 minutes
# Ingredients: 1 kilo eggplant bride (black high)
8 cloves garlic, large
3 fruits of a large green peppers
5 papers Mint Green
Salt, cumin and coriander dry
15:00 as vinegar
# Preparation: 1 - Boil eggplant in water without salt until tender (about 15 minutes), and robbery and leave to cool.
2 - put all ingredients in Alkicn Machine and grated together.
3 - all make their Baznganp length of one side so that the knife does not reach the other side and then put a teaspoon of filling in the slot open, and so on, and stacked next to each other and leave to cool and then provide next meal.
# Notes: If the rest of the filling hurt the remaining eggplant over after stack.
You can add green peppers, chili lovers eating hot.