The modus operandi of grilled red pepper...........
* Quantity is enough: 3 people
* Cooking time: 30 minutes
* Ingredients: 3 grains of red pepper large size.
3 cloves garlic, pound.
Tablespoon of olive oil.
Salt according to desire.
* Cooking: Choi beads pepper over medium heat.
Remove the thin outer shell and cut into small pieces and mix with garlic, pour over the oil and sprinkled salt.
One leaves to cool then serve.
* the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
The modus operandi of grilled red pepper in a forum Vtkac
* Cooking time: 30 minutes
* Ingredients: 3 grains of red pepper large size.
3 cloves garlic, pound.
Tablespoon of olive oil.
Salt according to desire.
* Cooking: Choi beads pepper over medium heat.
Remove the thin outer shell and cut into small pieces and mix with garlic, pour over the oil and sprinkled salt.
One leaves to cool then serve.
* the entire thread: They want Cioffi if I read this article in full and the photos and Made Members Click here:
The modus operandi of grilled red pepper in a forum Vtkac