The modus operandi of Onion Soup

The modus operandi of Onion Soup

The modus operandi of Onion Soup..............

# Preparation time: 10 minutes
# Cooking time: 30 minutes
# Ingredients: 6 large onions
7 cup soup
1 / 4 kilo butter
1 / 2 pm am black pepper
Toast bread slices removed edges
2 / 1 cup grated cheese (any kind)
# Preparation: 1 - Peel onions and cut a thin circular rings.
2 - cut the bread into small cubes.
# Cooking: 1 - dissolved 3 / 4 the amount of butter and it browns the onions until transparent in color, without redness.
2 - placed him soup and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.
3 - dissolved the rest of the butter and it browns and then dried bread cubes and set aside.
4 - Add salt to the soup if the soup is salted and then submitted after a hot sprinkled grated cheese and bread.