The modus operandi of pea soup

The modus operandi of pea soup

The modus operandi of pea soup..............

* Quantity sufficient: 4 people
     * Preparation time: 20 minutes
     * Cooking time: 20 minutes
     * Ingredients: - A quarter kilo basket
       - Chicken Soup liter or a liter of water dissolved by 2 cube chicken broth
       - A quarter of white cheese Kcilo
       - Salt and pepper
       - boiled potatoes cut into cubes
     * Cooking: Put peas in the pot and put the chicken soup, and put on the fire and cover for 5 minutes until boiling, leave to cool slightly placed in a blender with white cheese after the liquidation of peas which heats the soup, then marinate and leave to boil for a minute. Add the diced potatoes with peas
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